Offensive theoretical framework of the EdP
The goalkeeper, in football, is the position that represents the last line of defense
between the opponent’s attack and one’s own goal. It is one of the most
difficult to play, due to its great complexity and responsibility.
Taking into account the evolution that football has undergone at a technical, tactical,
conditional and emotional; the demands of the goalkeeper have increased in a way
The current tactical demands have led the goalkeeper to make use of the game with
feet and speed. Thus, we can say that his radius of action has
considerably enlarged.
Currently, the development of tasks to improve offensively is focused
in providing tools to the goalkeeper for tactical resolution in control situations
match rhythm, time delays, permanent aids, continuities and
game orientation.
Within the situations where the meta controls the rhythm and temporizes, there would be the
organized start in attack, here the goalkeeper starts or restarts the attack play
of his team against the defensive organization of the opposing team; it will be in that
moment where he must temporize the game according to the situation and/or moment of the game.
I play to enjoy the tactical advantage of being the possessor of the ball.
Another aspect would be the counterattack, after recovering the ball, the goalkeeper
will start the play to reach the opposite goal as quickly as possible, without giving
time to the rival team that organizes defensively.
Regarding the permanent aids, the goalkeeper performs supports, approaches
towards the teammate who has the ball to find the best position in the game.
field so they can pass the ball. Another important point would be
communication and positioning, he must control the opponent’s movements,
although he enjoys his team’s possession of the ball (offensive vigilance).
Finally give continuity and guide the game, through changes of orientation,
where he performs the step action, taking into account the distance he is interested in,
to carry the ball from one side of the pitch to the other.
Reflections of the offensive evolution of the goalkeeper
The goalkeeper has to maintain possession of the ball and manage the match time in
at all times, in addition to many other actions to take into account, and many
nuances within each action to perform effectively. Not all
teams can expect their goalkeepers to dominate all actions, but
must be aware that the role played by the modern goalkeeper is
extremely complex.
In order for a goalkeeper to release the ball played from behind, he must first
have a great technical capacity and a great perceptive capacity, to know
where he should play and also have this quality to hit effectively
to overcome the opponent and reach the partner. Second, he will be
relationship with the team is important, because if our goalkeeper has this
ability, but the rest of the players do not give him an outlet, he will not be able to develop this
If to these premises, we add that our goalkeepers work on other aspects to the
when it comes to ensuring possession of the ball, such as knowing how to generate space at the start of
game, we will be involving our goalkeepers to know when they have toggle the
pressure to create more space. We will get like this, that they be caught in the markings
performed by the different opposing players to our team.
In this way, we will know where the danger is and if we are interested in hitting long
with the aim of provoking a quick attack and, it will be important to observe if we
interested because a situation of numerical equality must occur or
superiority to benefit our attackers. The other option is to play
short, here we are producing a numerical superiority, but in this nuance
It will be essential to make a pass and offer again to generate a new
passing line with the aim of generating a space and moving to receive the
ball under rival pressure.