In order to be a great soccer player and professional, you must bear in mind that not only training on the field will be worth it. If you realize, many of the best footballers today (Mbappe, Haland…) have a physique and a body composition that helps them to be the best and to be as far away from injuries as possible.
This is because they complement their work on the pitch with training in the gym. Not with the aim of being the most muscular player in the locker room, but rather with the one with the best performance and the one that best adapts to muscle fatigue and is capable of being in peak shape for longer and with less risk of injury.
Therefore, the training of a soccer player has to be more like that of a runner than that of a bodybuilder. So that within the training aspects such as:
Power: It will help you to jump more than the others or to win a ball in speed to an opponent.
Strength: Here they will differentiate maximum strength, or strength at high speed (improvement of the sprint or the snatch).
Isometrics and eccentrics: Injury prevention (the less you get injured, the longer you play and the better your performance).Therefore, your training has to be one more habit within your daily routine, but as long as it is well scheduled and adapted to your needs, your position and the moment of the season in which you find yourself.
Within the training session itself, the work should focus on working the entire body (organized into different structures such as FullBody, Torso-Leg…, depending on the frequency, intensity… and other parameters related to training). This aspect is important, and we must not neglect the training of the lower limbs, quite the contrary, since this will help us improve leg power, acceleration or speed, among others, and will help us prevent injuries. . As for the work of CORE and upper limbs, these will help us to improve the transfer of forces, stability or help you emerge victorious from a charge or a crash against a rival player.
Finally, aerobic and anaerobic training is something that you are going to have to work on and schedule in conjunction with strength training. In this way, you reduce fatigue to the maximum and improve performance exponentially, so that you can last the 45, 90 or 120 minutes that you play, increasing the chances that you will arrive in a better condition than your rival at these minutes of the game.
To learn more visit our blog at: https://globaltalentsport.com/en/why-is-importance-strength-training-football/